Key to the list at the end of each section: |
Black - Bio Blitz 2015 not photographed |
Blue - Bio Blitz 2015 photographed |
Red - photographed & identified by Volunteers |
Green - from NatureSpot |
All pictures are taken on the reserve. |
Hover over the following pictures to enlarge |
Woodlice, Crustaceans
Crustaceans are a subphylum of arthropods with 67,000 described species. They are part of the phylum Arthropoda. Crustaceans include crabs, lobsters, crayfish, shrimp, krill and barnacles. They are relatives of insects.
A sow bug or Woodlouse is a small land arthropod (jointed-legged animal). They are often confused with centipedes, millipedes or insects, but are actually crustaceans. They have fourteen legs and breathe through gills. Because of the gills, woodlice need water in the air around them. They mostly eat dead plants
Common Shiny Woodlouse - Oniscus asellus
JF 24-11-2020
If you were to pick up a rock in the garden, you’d hopefully find a few common woodlouse. These hardy minibeasts have in-built armour and like to hide in warm, moist places like compost heaps.
These hardy minibeasts can be found sheltering under rocks in the garden or hiding in compost heaps, where they avoid drying out in hot weather. Common woodlice are important for their ability to feed off dead plants and creatures, recycling vital nutrients. There are 30 species of woodlouse in the UK in an array of colours from brown and grey to pink!
The common woodlouse has smooth, shiny, grey 'armour' (an exoskeleton made up of segments or 'plates') with yellow patches and lighter grey edges. |
Common Striped Woodlouse - Philoscia muscorum
John F 23rd March 2021
A common, fast moving and well marked Woodlouse, Philoscia muscorum is usually found in well vegetated, grassy sites and is very common in most of the county's woodlands. It regularly occurs in suburban parks and even gardens.
Southern Pill Woodlouse - Armadillidium depressum
John F 23rd March 2021
Armadillidium species and Eluma caelata are readily recognised in the field by their truncated 'square' uropods that end flush with the body and their abilty to roll into a ball.
This large pill-woodlouse (to 20mm) is typically slate grey, sometimes flecked with yellow, and reminiscent of the common A. vulgare. It differs in the pleon being more curved outwards, giving a 'splayed' or 'flattened' appearence, and often leaves a small gap when enrolled. |
Bio Blitz ------ 26-06-2015
Common Rough Woodlouse - Porcellio scaber
Common Striped Woodlouse - Philoscia muscorum
Common Shiny Woodlouse - Oniscus asellus
Pill Woodlouse - Armadillidium vulgare
Southern Pill Woodlouse - Armadillidium depressum
Water Hog-louse - Asellus aquaticus