Anemone, Wood- Anemone nemorosa
John F 20150505
A hairless plant with rhizomes - it is usually about 20 cm in height. Basal leaves usually appearing after the flower. Flowers are white, often flushed with pink or blue outside, solitary half nodding or erect and 20 to 40 mm across.
March to May. |
Arrowhead - Sagittaria sagittifolia
John F July 2015
Medium to tall plant with aerial leaves narrow to broadly arrow shaped and with pointed basal lobes, long stalked. The submerged leaves are narrower and translucent. Flowers white, 20 to 26 mm, the petals with a basal purple blotch, borne in whorled racemes or panicle.
July to August
Bedstraw, MarshGalium palustre
John F
Straggly plant up to about 50 cm. Hairless with square stems. Leaves in whorls of 4 to 6 with a rough margin, one veined. Flowers white, occasionally greenish with red anthers. 2 to 3 mm usually four parted in a lax pyramidal panicle.
June to August |
Bedstraw, Sweetscented - Galium odoratum
John F May 2016
Also known as Woodruff. A spreading, mat forming almost hairless plant with numerous stolons. Stems square, erect with a ring of hairs at each node. Leaves elliptical in whorls of 6 to 9 edged with tiny forward pointing prickles. Flowers white, 4 to 7 mm in lax heads.
Late April to June. |
Bindweed, Hedge - Calystegia sepium
John F June 2017
Also called Bellbind. Vigorous climbing and twining plant to 3 metres. Leaves bright green and arrow shaped. Flowers white, 30 to 50 mm. Bracts not overlapping or scarcely so.
June to September
Bittercress, Large - Cardamine amara
Sue H April 2014
Hairless plant about 40 or 50 cm in height with angular stems. Flowers are white, occasionally purplish 11 to 12 mm. Anthers, blackish violet, amethyst or pinkish violet.
April to June. |
Bogbean - Menyanthes trifoliata
John F
Almost hairless aquatic or semi aquatic plant reaching to 30 cm, and with stout creeping runners. Leaves trifoliate, with oval or diamond shaped untoothed leaflets held above water on long stalks. Flowers pink outside, whitish inside 14 to 16 mm starry shaped, the petals fringed with long whitish hairs.
Uncommon in Leicestershire and Rutland. In the 1979 Flora survey of Leicestershire it was found in 3 of the 617 tetrads.
April to June |
Blackthorn - Prunus spinosa
John F April 2018
Blackthorn is very thorny. It makes a good hedgerow plant (together with hawthorn, gorse and holly) as it creates impenetrable thickets and therefore provides good protection for a whole range of wildlife. Many plants grow beneath it as they are protected there from grazing animals. Birds build their nests among its branches and small mammals like hedgehogs find safe shelter below its dense canopy.
The white flowers have 5 petals. The flowers are white and appear very early in the spring before the shoots. They are one of the first sources of nectar and pollen in the spring.
March to May
Bramble agg. - Rubus fruticosus agg.
John F 26th June 2014
Blackberries grow almost anywhere, their roots forming networks underground with bunches of stems growing up and out, feeling their way across the countryside, colonising and tangling themselves into dense, prickly thickets.
According to Plantlife, over 400 bramble microspecies have been recorded in Britain, and there certainly seem to be big variations in flower appearance, blossoming and fruiting times, and even the size and taste of the berries (although light, shade and soil may play a part). I have taken photographs of different bramble flowers in my local patch. The buds, flower shape and thorns are clues that brambles belong to the rose family.
May to November
Campion, Bladder - Silene vulgaris
Sue H July 2014
Medium to tall, usually hairless, greyish plant with stout erect stems, all shoots flowering. Flowers white, fragrant, 16 to 18 mm, the petals deeply notched and not overlapping and with 3 styles. Calyx inflated and bladder-like and constricted at the mouth.
May to September. |
Campion, White - Silene latifolia
John F June 2016
White Campion is a common wildflower that grows in fields, along hedgerows and roadside verges, and on waste ground. It flowers throughout the summer, but it's actually at night when the blooms produce a heady scent, attracting many feeding moths.
It displays white flowers with five petals, each deeply notched and almost divided into two; its oval leaves and stems are hairy. In places where it grows alongside Red Campion, the two may hybridise to produce pinky or white blooms.
It is also named the Grave Flower or Flower of the Dead in parts of England as they are seen often growing on gravesites and around tombstones.
May to October |
Carrot, Wild- Daucus carota
John F July 2017
Wild Carrot is a widespread perennial plant of grasslands, particularly those on chalk soils, and coastlines. In bud, the dense umbels (umbrella-like) of flowers look reddish, but they soon bloom into white flowers. These flowers can be seen from June to September, eventually turning into concave, bird's-nest-like seed heads.
The white umbels of Wild Carrot are very densely packed and rounded. Its leaves are divided into narrow leaflets and the plant is hairy.
When you hover over the picture note the little redish flower in the centre of the umbrella.
June to August |
Chamomile, Corn- Anthemis arvensis
John F 11th June 2017
Cheerful daisy like flowers in summer time and pretty, feathery leaves. This is an annual plant that germinates, grows, flowers and fades all within a 12 month period. Nevertheless, it’s very easy on the eye and brings a bright pop of colour to the summer garden. The plant does have a faint smell, but nowhere near as unpleasant as it’s cousin the stinking chamomile.
The centre of each flower is bright yellow and surrounded by many daisy like white petals. As the flower ages the petals lean backwards towards the stem.
May to October
Cherry, Wild - Prunus avium
John F 4th April 2020
Beautiful blossom and a bounty of bright red fruits. Wild cherry , one of the prettiest native trees, is relished by gardeners and wildlife.
Mature trees can grow to 30m and live for up to 60 years. The shiny bark is a deep reddish-brown with prominent cream-coloured horizontal lines called lenticels. The second part of its botanical name – avium – refers to birds which play a role in the tree’s propagation by eating the cherries and dispersing the seed. In Scotland, cherry is sometimes referred to as ‘gean’.
Starts flowering in April
Chickweed, Common - Stellaria media
John F Mar 2014
Low to short, often semi prostrate plant, stems with a line of hairs that changes sides at each pair of leaves. Flowers white, 8 to 10 mm with 3 styles, petals bifid.
Can be seen all year round
Cleavers - Galium aparine
John F June 2021
Medium to tall, brittle, scrambling, bristly plant with 4-square stems that have hook like, bristly hairs and are hairy at the nodes. Leaves in whorls of 6 to 9, narrowly elliptical, broadest above the middle, pointed and with bristly margins. Flowers white or greenish, 1.5 to 1.7 mm, stalked, at the base of the upper leaves.
May to September. |
Clover, White - Trifolium repens
John F June 2017
Low to short plant with creeping stems rooting at the nodes. The three leaflets are bright green usually with a light or dark mark in the centre. Flowers white or pale pink 7 to 10 mm sweetly scented in dense globose heads.
June to September. |
Crocus, White - Crocus vernus
John F 20140304
This is the white version of the Dutch crocuseswhich are larger than the other cultivated crocus species (e.g., Crocus chrysanthus). Depending on the year. Height: 4–6" (10–15 cm).
March to April |
Daisy - Bellis perennis
John F Apr 2014
Low hairy plant with leaves in a basal rosette. Flowerheads with a yellow disc and numerous narrow white rays. 15 to 30 mm solitary on long slender stalks, the rays often tipped with red or flushed with purplish red beneath.
Flowers nearly all year round. |
Dead-nettle, White - Lamium album
John F May 2017
Short to medium, faintly aromatic and patch forming plant. Stoloniferous, stems spreading to erect. Leaves heart shaped to oval, toothed and stalked. Flowers white 20 to 25 mm long the corolla tube curved near the base. The upper lip is very hairy, the lower lip with 2-3 small teeth.
April to November. |
Dogwood - Cornus sanguinea
John F June 2022
Shrub to 4 metres with dark red twigs. Leaves opposite, elliptical to oval pointed untoothed, hairy with 3-4 pairs of main veins. Flowers dull white 8 to 10 mm in umbel like clusters. Fruit almost globose black when ripe.
June and July. |
Elder - Sambucus nigra
John F June 2017
The elder is common throughout the UK, being found in woodlands and hedgerows. It is also found growing on ‘waste ground’ and may be regarded as a ‘weed’ by some. The flowers of the elder are often gathered for the making of elderflower tea (also, are much visited by insects), and the berries for elderflower wine. Birds consume the berries and thereby assist in the dispersal of the seeds.
The tree or shrub is often covered with a profusion of tiny white flowers in the spring, which give rise to the purple elderberries later in the year.
The timber of elder is quite soft – but was used in the past for carving and wood whittling.
June to July |
Grey Willow - Salix cinerea subsp oleifolia
John F April 2018
Usually a much branched shrub from 4 to 6 metres, twigs remaining pubescent for some time and keeping some of their hair covering until the end of their second year. Leaves oval, wavy, tapered at the base, very slightly serrate, green or greyish above, grey beneath. Stipules often persistent. Catkins 3.5 to 5 cm dense, almost unstalked, appearing before the leaves, almost unstalked, erect, cylindrical and yellow. Female catkins often smaller and narrower than the male with flask shaped ovaries.
April to May. |
Guelder Rose - Viburnum opulus
Sue H June 2013
Shrub to 4 metres, with angled young twigs. Flowers white, in broad flat topped clusters 4.5 to 10.5 cm across, inner florets fertile 4 to 7 mm surrounded by a few large sterile flowers 15 to 20 mm. Berry is shiny red when ripe.
June and July. |
Hawthorn - Crataegus monogyna
John F June 2021
Shrub to 4 metres, with angled young twigs. Flowers white, in broad flat topped clusters 4.5 to 10.5 cm across, inner florets fertile 4 to 7 mm surrounded by a few large sterile flowers 15 to 20 mm. Berry is shiny red when ripe.
June and July.. |
Hawthorn, Midland - Crataegus laevigata
Sue H May 2014
Shrub or small tree with spiny branches. Leaves not deeply lobed (rarely reaching half way to the midrib). Flowers white 9 to 12 mm and usually with 2 or 3 styles. Berry red generally with 2 or 3 stones.
Early May to June.. |
<Hogweed - Heracleum sphondylium
John F June 2021
Stout medium to tall rather bristly plant. Stem hollow and ridged. Leaves pinnate, often with 5 broad, lobed and toothed segments. Upper leaves with large inflated bases. Flowers white 5 to 10 mm in large umbels up to 15 cm across with 12 to 25 rays. Petals of outer flowers very unequal.
April to September. |
Horse-chestnut - Aesculus hippocastanum
John F
April 2017
Spiky cases, gleaming seeds, celebrated by children. Horse chestnuts, with their mahogany-bright conkers, are the very essence of autumn.
Mature horse chestnut trees grow to a height of around 40m and can live for up to 300 years. The bark is smooth and pinky-grey when young, which darkens and develops scaly plates with age. Twigs are hairless and stout; buds are oval, dark red, shiny and sticky.
May to June
Horseradish - Armoracia rusticana
John F Aug 2017
Flowers white 8 to 9 mm many in broad panicles. Fruit rounded, inflated 4 to 6 mm on slender stalks.
May to June. |
Mayweed,Scentless - Tripleurospermum inodorum
Sue H July 2015
Erect, branched low to medium plant with feathery leaves. Flowerheads are white with a yellow disc, not aromatic, the white rays not reflexing fully after opening, and the disc cone not hollow.
July to September. |
Mustard, Garlic - Alliaria petiolata
John F April 2021
Short to tall plant, hairy, usually unbranched. Leaves pale green, kidney shaped to heart shaped, toothed and smelling of garlic when crushed. Flowers white, 3 to 5 mm in clusters. Fruit 20 to 70 mm erect.
April to June. |
Oxeye Daisy - Leucanthemum vulgare
John F 7th June 2017
Short to tall patch forming plant with short leafy stolons. Stems erect, ridged, often branched. Leaves dark green, oblong toothed, the basal leaves stalked, the upper clasping the stem and unstalked. Flowerheads white with a yellow disc. Large daisies 25 to 50 mm with long strap shaped rays.
May to September. |
Parsley, Cow- Anthriscus sylvestris
John F June 2010
Medium to tall, rather robust plant to 1.5 metres. Leaves dull green 3 pinnate. Flowers white 3 to 4 mm in umbels with 4 to 15 rays, without lower bracts.
April to June. |
Parsley, Upright Hedge - Torilis japonica
Sue H August 2014
Medium to tall hairy plant to 1.5 metres. Stems stiffly erect, solid, ridged. Leaves 1 to 3 pinnate. Flowers white to pinkish, or pink-purple, 2 to 3 mm in long-stalked umbels with 5 to 12 rays. Petals somewhat unequal; bracts present.
July to September. |
Plantain, Ribwort- Plantago lanceolata
John F June 2017
Low to medium plant with several leaf rosettes. Leaves linear lanceolate to lanceolate, slightly toothed or untoothed, 3 to 5 veined, strongly ribbed and stalked. Flowers brown, 4 mm in short blackish spikes on ridged stalks, exceeding the leaves, anthers pale yellow.
April to October. |
Plum, Myrobalan (Cherry) - Prunus cerasifera
John F April 2018
The fruit is an edible drupe, 2–3 cm in diameter, ripening to yellow or red from early July to mid-September. They are self-fertile but can also be pollinated by other Prunus varieties such as the Victoria plum. The plant propagates by seed or by suckering, and is often used as the rootstock for other Prunus species and cultivars.
Wild types are large shrubs or small trees reaching 8–(12) m (25–40 feet) tall, sometimes spiny, with glabrous, ovate deciduous leaves 3–7 cm (1.5–2.5 inches) long. It is one of the first European trees to flower in spring, often starting in mid-February before the leaves have opened. The flowers are white or pale pink and about 2 cm (0.8 inches) across, with five petals and many stamens.
February to March |
Snowberry - Symphoricarpos albus
John F
1st December 2020
The Snowberry is a very hardy fast-growing suckering shrub with attractive snow-white berries, originating in North America. Although not a British native, it has good wildlife value, and is a good plant for poor soils and dense shade. Its suckering habit means that it quickly makes a dense thicket, so it is good for screening and can be trimmed as a low hedge.
The tiny bell-shaped pink flowers appear in clusters in July. They are followed by round matt white berries in autumn, each containing 2 seeds. The berries are poisonous, but produce a strongly emetic reaction.
June to September
Snowdrops - Galanthus nivalis
John F Feb 2014
Low to short plant. Usually with 2 leaves. Flowers white, solitary, nodding 12 to 25 mm long, the inner tepals quite different from the outer, shorter and with a greenish marking near the notched end. Anthers green. Most Snowdrops with wide, blue-green leaves are Galanthus nivalis but there are some others which occur rarely.
January to March. |
Stitchwort, Greater - Stellaria holostea
Sue H July 2014
Short to medium, rather straggly plant. Stems weak, square and rough. Leaves narrow, lanceolate and pointed rough at the margins. Flowers 18 to 30 mm white in lax clusters. Petals cleft at least to half way, twice as long as the sepals.
April to June |
Stitchwort, Lesser - Stellaria graminea
John F June 2014
Short to tall creeping plant, with weak, straggly much branched, square, smooth stems. Leaves lanceolate to linear, pointed, and smooth. Flowers in lax clusters of 10 or more, white 5 to 12 mm, petals more or less equalling and sometimes longer than sepals, notched nearly to the base.
May to August. |
Violet, White Sweet - Viola odorata
John F Mar 2014
Low, somewhat hairy plant, with long rooting runners. Leaves oval, with a deeply heart shaped base in basal rosettes. Stipules blunt, usually fringed. Flowers, often dark violet with a short (6 mm) violet spur, but can be white with a violet spur, rarely pinkish. Fragrant. Flower stalks with bracts in the middle.
February to May, but occasionally August and September. |
Yarrow - Achillea millefolium
Sue H 20140715
Short to medium hairy, stoloniferous plant, often patch forming, strong smelling, stems erect, unbranched. Leaves feathery, lanceolate. Flowerheads small, white, occasionally pink or reddish, with a white or cream disk, 4 to 6 mm, borne in dense flat topped heads, rays short.
July to October. |
Aconite, Winter - Eranthis hyemalis
John F Feb 2017 planted by volunteers Sep 2012
Hairless, tuberous-rooted plant up to 10 cm in height. Flowers yellow 20-30 mm with 6 sepals. Has 3 stalk-less bract-like leaves below the flower looking like a ruffe.
End January to early March. |
Archangel, Yellow - Lamium galeobdolon
Sue H April 2014
Strong smelling, hairy plant - stoloniferous, with long runners. Often patch forming. Flowers bright yellow with brownish markings, 17 to 21 mm long and borne in whorls on the upper half of the stem. Upper lip hooded the lower lip 3-lobed. April to July. |
Bedstraw, Lady's - Galium verum
Sue H July 2014
Usually less than 30 cm tall and rather sprawling. Stoloniferous. Stems rounded with four rows of hairs. Leaves dark green, shiny in whorls of 8 to 12. Flowers golden yellow 2 to 3 mm in dense golden panicle.
June to September. |
Bird's-foot-trefoil, Common - Lotus corniculatus
John F June 2017
Variable but usually 10 to 20 cm in height, rather sprawling with a solid stem woody at base. Flowers yellow or orangey, sometimes tinged red. 10 to 16 mm in clusters of 2 to 7. Seed pod 15 to 30 mm straight.
May to September. |
Black Medick - Medicago lupulina
John F June 2022
Low, often prostrate, hairy plant. Leaves are trifoliate and widest above the middle, with a nerve protruding at the broad end of each leaflet in the centre. Flowers yellow, 2 to 3 mm, many to a raceme. Pods coiled, sickle or kidney shaped, 1.5 to 3 mm, black when ripe. April to September. |
Buttercup, Creeping - Ranunculus repens
John F April 2021
Short to medium generally hairy plant with long creeping and rooting runners. Flowers golden yellow 20 to 30 mm in lax clusters, sepals erect.
May to September. |
Buttercup, Goldilocks - Ranunculus auricomus
John F April 2021
Short, slightly hairy plant. The upper stem leaves are deeply lobed with 3 to 5 narrow segments. Flowers yellow 15 to 25 mm. Petals frequently imperfect and quite often absent.
April and May. |
Buttercup, Hairy - Ranunculus sardous
John F June 2020
The flower is up to 25 mm in diameter, with five pale yellow petals and five hairy, reflexed sepals, on grooved, (usually) hairy stalks and theleaves are deeply divided into three broad lobes, themselves shallowly lobed
May to October |
Cat's-ear - Hypochaeris radicata
Sue H June 2014
Low to short plant, with a basal rosette of wavy edged leaves, never cut to the midrib, covered with many stiff, unbranched hairs that are raised on pimples. Flowerheads, yellow, 20 to 30 mm.
June to September. |
Celandine, Lesser - Ficaria verna
John F April 2018
Ranunculus ficaria alterenative name. Low to short, tuberous rooted, hairless plant. Leaves heart shaped, rather fleshy, dark green. Flowers bright glistening yellow, turning whiter with age 20 to 30 mm, with 8 to 12 narrow elliptical petals.
March to May. |
Charlock - Sinapis arvensis
Sue H April 2014
Medium to tall, bristly plant, lower leaves, large and lyre shaped, upper are lanceolate, not clasping the stem. Flowers yellow, 15 to 20 mm. Fruit 25 to 45 mm long and beaded, sometimes bristly. April to October |
Cinquefoil, Creeping - Potentilla reptans
John F May 2017
Low, creeping, invasive plant with long trailing shoots that root at the nodes. Leaves with 5 or 7 leaflets, oblong and toothed. Flowers yellow, 17 to 25 mm, solitary with 5 petals.
June to September. |
Coltsfoot - Tussilago farfara
Sue H Mar 2014
Low to short, downy, creeping plant stems erect, purplish-scaly, unbranched. Leaves all basal, rounded-heart-shaped, shallowly lobed or toothed, mealy white above when young, white felted beneath. Flowers yellow 13 to 15 mm with narrow rays, solitary. Erect in bud, nodding as the flowers fade. Fruit a white 'clock'. The flowers appear before the leaves and are one of the earliest flowers to show.
February to April. |
Cowslip - Primula veris
John F April 2017
Low to short hairy plant. Leaves oblong and abruptly narrowing into the stalk. Flowers deep yellow 9 to 15 mm with orange markings in the centre, sweetly fragrant up to 30 in nodding one-sided cluster.
April and May.
Daffodil, Autumn - Sternbergia lutea
John F September 2018
It bears large rich golden-yellow goblet-shaped flowers in autumn. It’s ideal for growing en masse to form carpets of flowers when little else is in bloom.
September to November |
Daffodil, Cultivated - Narcissus - agg.
John F February 2014
The golden yellow trumpet flowers of Daffodils are unmistakable, but there are numerous cultivars in addition to the Wild Daffodil (Narcissus pseudonarcissus). For this reason we treat all Cultivated Daffodils that are recorded in the wild as Narcissus agg. unless they have been identified to species level and confirmed by an expert. - For further information about identifying Daffodil species see http://www.thedaffodilsite.co.uk/.
January to April. |
Daffodil, Wild - Narcissus pseudonarcissus
John F February 2014
The native plants always have a darker yellow flower tube and slightly twisted petals (strictly speaking tepals). The flower is generally smaller and more nodding than cultivated varieties.
March and April, possibly earlier. |
Dandelion - agg Taraxacum officinale agg
John F April 2021
They have milky latex, and a basal rosette of leaves, lobed or unlobed. Flowerheads usually yellow, solitary borne on hollow scape (stem). Fruit a large and conspicuous clock.
Generally March to October. |
Goats Beard - Aruncus dioicus
John F June 2014
Medium to tall plant stem erect usually unbranched, leaves linear lanceolate, channelled, the stem leaves clasping and tapered to a fine point. Flowerheads bright yellow, 18 to 40 mm flower bracts – usually 8 to 10 and twice as long as the rays sometimes with pale reddish margin. Fruit a large off-white clock. Flowers open only prior to 1 pm.
June and July. |
Herb Bennet - Geum urbanum
John F May 2022
Also known as Wood Avens. A hairy, quite erect plant to 70 cm. Flowers yellow 8 to 15 mm in branched clusters. Achenes hairy with feathery hooked styles.
May to September. |
Hawkbit, Rough - Leontodon hispidus
John F July 2017
Low to medium plant. Each flower is on a long, leafless stem. The leaves, stem and buds are covered in numerous hairs. The leaves have a winged stalk. The solitary flowerheads are 25 to 40 mm and are bright yellow, the outer rays orange or reddish beneath.
June to October. |
Hawksbeard, Smooth - Crepis capillaris
John F June 2014
Medium to tall hairless or slightly hairy plant. Stems slender branched at base or above. Leaves shiny, the basal numerous, lanceolate to pinnately lobed. Stem leaves smaller and clasping the stem with pointed lobes. Flowerheads yellow, often reddish beneath 10 to 15 mm in lax clusters. Pappus soft white.
June to November. |
Iris, Yellow - Iris pseudacorus
John F June 2017
Stout, medium to tall tufted, rhizomatous plant. Leaves long, sword shaped, 10 to 30 mm wide, with a conspicuous raised mid-rib, slightly grey-green. Flowers 4 to 12 yellow, 70 to 100 mm the broad oval falls, veined and dotted with green.
June to August. |
Marigold, Corn - Glebionis segetum
John F July 2017 (part of the wildflower project)
Short to tall greyish hairless plant. Stems erect, branched or unbranched. Leaves oblong, alternate deeply and sharply toothed. Flower heads yellow, 35 to 55 mm, large and Daisy like with strap shaped rays and a flat disk.
June to October |
Marigold, Marsh - Caltha palustris
John F 20140405
Short tufted plant, stems upright to creeping and rooting at the nodes. Leaves heart shaped, toothed the lower mostly long stalked. Flowers bright shiny golden yellow, 15 to 50 mm often greenish beneath.
March to August. |
Melilot, Ribbed - Melilotus officinalis
Sue H June 2014
Medium to tall hairless plant to 2.5 metres tall with spreading to erect stems. Flowers yellow, 4 to 7 mm, in slender lax racemes, the wings longer than the keel. Glabrous seeds.
July to September. |
Melilot, Tall - Melilotus altissimus
John F June 2017
>p> Medium to tall hairless plant to 1.5 metres, stems erect and branched. Leaves oblong, sharply toothed, stipules slender, untoothed. Flowers yellow, 5 to 7 mm long, in many-flowered racemes, the wings equalling the keel. Pod oval, 5 to 6 mm, hairy and net veined, black when ripe with a persistent style.
June to August. |
Nipplewort - Lapsana communis
John F 2024-07-06
Some similarities: Wall Lettuce, but whereas Wall Lettuce has but five well-spaced out pale yellow ray florets (or 'petals'), Nipplewort has about three times as many (although far fewer than most members of the Daisy Family) and which often appear straggly or unkempt.
Distinguishing Feature : An open structure to the plant with well-spaced branches. The flowers are smaller than most and are pale yellow with fewer 'petals' than is common for the Daisy family.
Confusion: There are two sub-species of Nipplewort; all three have the same common name, Nipplewort: The large-teethed leaves are narrow lanceolate but few at the top, gradually becoming wider and more numerous the lower down they are until at the base the leaves large lobes and the sharp teeth have become blunt bite-marks.
June to October |
Oxtongue, Bristly - Helminthotheca echioides
John F Aug 2017
Medium to tall bristly plant, each bristle arising from a pimple. Stems well branched. Leaves elliptical to oblong, wavy edged, pimply and bristly with winged stalks, upper leaves unstalked and clasping the stem. Flowers yellow 20 to 25 mm numerous, florets all rayed, flower bracts with bristly margins, the outer heart shaped. Papus white.
June to November. |
Pineapple Weed - Matricaria discoidea
John F June 2017
Low to short hairless plant, pineapple scented when crushed. Stems well branched, erect, leaves feathery. Flowerheads yellowish green, rayless 5 to 8 mm with a conical disk, solitary on short stalks.
May to November. |
Poppy, Welsh - Papaver cambricum
John F May 2018
Medium slightly hairy, loosely tufted plant, with yellow latex from broken stems. Flowers yellow, rarely orange 4 to 8 cm solitary on long stalks. Capsule elliptical with a short style at the apex.
June to August. |
Primrose - Primula vulgaris
John F March 2018
Escaped garden varieties can be very similar, but the native is usually hairier and with leaves gradually tapered to the base. Flowers are almost always yellow.
March to May. |
Ragwort, Common - Jacobaea vulgaris
John F August 2018
Medium to tall plant, stems erect to 1.5 metres, branched above. Basal and lower leaves pinnately lobed, with a small end lobe, withering by flowering time. Upper leaves 1 to 2 pinnately lobed, half clasping the stem. Flowerheads bright golden yellow, 15 to 25 mm with 12 to 15 rays, borne in large, flat topped, branched clusters
June to November. |
Sow-thistle, Perennial - Sonchus arvensis
Sue H July 2015
Medium to tall plant with far creeping stolons, stems erect to 1.5 metres, furrowed and bristly above. Upper leaves clasping the stem with rounded basal lobes. Flowerheads golden yellow, 40 to 50 mm in lax clusters. Flower bracts with sticky, yellowish glands.
July to October. |
Sow-thistle, Prickly - 20Sonchus asper
John F May 2021
Short to tall plant, hairless except for a few glandular hairs on the upper stem. Stem angled, often reddening, sometimes branched to 1.2 metres. The upper leaves are shiny green and prickly they clasp the stem with rounded basal lobes. Flowerheads golden yellow, 20 to 25 mm in lax clusters, bracts without glandular hairs.
June to August. |
St John's-wort, Perforate - Hypericum perforatum
Sue H July 2014
Short to tall, hairless, erect plant. Stems round with 2 raised lines, spreading and rooting at the base. Leaves opposite, linear to oval, unstalked, with large translucent dots. Flowers yellow, 18 to 22 mm in broad panicles, the petals with numerous black dots, mostly around the edges. Sepals narrow, with or without black glands, much shorter than the petals.
May to September. |
Tansy - Tanacetum vulgare
Sue H July 2014
Medium to tall, strongly aromatic plant to 1.5 metres, patch forming, almost hairless. Leaves pinnately lobed with lanceolate toothed segments, deep green, the uppermost unstalked. Flowerheads yellow, 7 to 12 mm, button like, rayless, in large, rather flat topped clusters.
July to September. |
Vetchling, Meadow - Lathyrus pratensis
Sue H July 2014
Clambering plant to 120 cm with winged stems. Leaves with tendrils, and one pair of leaflets, linear lanceolate to elliptical. Flowers yellow 10 to 16 mm, in long stalked racemes.
May to August. |
Water Lily, Yellow - Nuphar lutea
Sue H July 2013
Stout rhizomatous plant. Floating leaves oval, cleft to the stalk, submerged leaves shorter stalked, rounded, thin and translucent. Flowers bright yellow, 12 to 40 mm, rising out of the water, with 5 large overlapping sepals, and numerous small petals. Fruit flask shaped.
June to September. |
Winter-cress, American - Barbarea verna
John F May 2015
Short to tall hairy plant. Basal leaves with 6 to 10 pairs of lateral lobes, uppermost leaves pinnately divided several times. Flowers mid yellow, 7 to 10 mm not forming such dense heads as B.vulgaris. Fruit long 3 to 7 cm.
April to July. |
Apple, Crab - Malus sylvestris
John F May 2021
An ancestors of the cultivated apple (of which there are more than 6,000 varieties), it can live to up to 100 years. Mature trees grow to around 10m in height. They have an irregular, rounded shape and a wide, spreading canopy. With greyish brown, flecked bark, trees can become quite gnarled and twisted, especially when exposed, and the twigs often develop spines. This 'crabbed' appearance may have influenced its common name, 'crab apple'.
The crab apple is one of the few host trees to the parasitic mistletoe, Viscum album, and trees are often covered in lichens
May to June. |
Apple, Orchid - Malus domestica
John F May 2021
The apple tree (Malus pumila, commonly and erroneously called Malus domestica) is a deciduous tree in the rose family best known for its sweet, pomaceous fruit, the apple. It is cultivated worldwide as a fruit tree, and is the most widely grown species in the genus Malus. The tree originated in Central Asia, where its wild ancestor, Malus sieversii, is still found today. Apples have been grown for thousands of years in Asia and Europe, and were brought to North America by European colonists. Apples have religious and mythological significance in many cultures, including Norse, Greek and European Christian traditions.
May to June |
Balsam, Himalayan - Impatiens glandulifera
Sue H July 2014
This is a tall, stout hairless plant that can sometimes reach 2 metres in height. Flowers usually pink or purple sometimes white and usually with spots or blotches. In racemes of 5 or more and 'helmet' shaped. Capsule club shaped.
July to October. |
Bartsia, Red - Odontites vernus
Sue H 20140707
Usually under 30 cm tall, hairy and often purplish. Stems are fairly erect and often squarish. Flowers reddish pink 8 to 10 mm long, The lower lip somewhat deflexed, the anthers often protruding.
July to October. |
Betony - Stachys officinalis
John F July 2023
Short to tall softly hairy plant with erect stems and persistent basal leaf rosettes. Leaves oblong to oval, coarsely toothed, the uppermost unstalked. Flowers usually bright reddish purple 12 to 18 mm long the whorls forming a dense oblong spike.
June to October. |
Bindweed, Field - Convolvulus arvensis
John F June 2017
A climbing or creeping plant to 2 metres, though often far less. Leaves arrow shaped to oblong. Stalked. Flowers white, or pink with white stripes. 10 to 25 mm solitary.
June to September. |
Bistort, Common - Bistorta officinalis
Sue H July 2014
An erect, perennial with attractive pink flowers, in a tight cylindrical inflorescence. The basal leaves have a long petiole, while the stem leaves are sessile. The upper part of the petiole has a narrow wing of leaf tissue. The plant grows from a stout creeping rhizome, which spreads to create dense patches.
May to July. |
Campion, Red - Silene dioica
John F June 2017
Medium to tall hairy, but not sticky, with a creeping stock and erect flowering stems. Leaves oblong, the lowermost stalked, the upper, short stalked or unstalked. Flowers usually bright rose pink, but can be paler pink or white. 8 to 25 mm, not scented, numerous flowers in lax branched clusters. Styles 5. Male and female flowers ocurr on separate plants. Calyx of male flower with 10 veins, female with 20 veins. Seed capsule with 10 recurved teeth.
May to November. |
Clover, Red - Trifolium pratense
John F Aug 2016
Short to tall, tufted, hairy plant. Trifoliate leaves often have a white crescent at the centre of their oval leaflets. Flowers reddish purple or pink, 12 to 15 mm, in dense, globose heads, usually solitary, unstalked.
May to September. |
Crane's-bill, Hedgerow - Geranium pyrenaicum
John F June 2014
Medium height hairy plant with erect or ascending stems. Leaves rounded in outline, divided to just over half-way into 5 to 7 wedges. Flowers purple to mauve-pink in pairs forming lax clusters, the petals deeply notched and 7 - 10mm, and with 10 anthers . Fruit hairy on densely hairy deflexed stalks.
June to August. |
Crane's-bill, Shining - Geranium lucidum
John F June 2021
Short almost hairless plant: stems erect to ascending. Leaves shining green, often flushed with red, rounded in outline divided to just over half-way into 5 lobes. Fruit hairless. Flowers pink 8-10mm the petals oval, not notched.
May to August. |
Cuckoo Flower or Lady's Smock - Cardamine pratensis
Sue H April 2014
Also known as Lady's Smock. Medium height, hairless plant with erect stems. Basal leaves in a rosette, pinnate with a large end leaflet. Upper leaves with numerous narrow leaflets. Flowers pale lilac, rarely white 12 to 18 mm notched petals and yellow anthers.
April to June. |
Dead-nettle, Red - Lamium purpureum
Sue H 20140326
Low to short, often purplish, hairy and aromatic plant. Square stemmed. Leaves oval, blunt toothed, stalked, the lower bracts longer than wide. Flowers pinkish purple 10 to 18 mm long with a straight corolla tube.
March to December. |
Dead-nettle, Spotted - Lamium maculatum
John F May 2017
Short to tall, hairy, aromatic plant. Patch forming. Leaves triangular-ovate coarsely toothed often with a central whitish blotch or band. Flowers pinkish purple 20 to 35 mm long with a curved corolla tube. Although the flower isn't shown it can be identified by the leaves.
April to October. |
Dog-rose - Rosa canina
John F July 2018
A name used to describe a group of numerous similar hybrids which need expert identification. Rosa canina is often the most common wild Rose and is used to represent the group. Stems arching to 5 metres long with prickly thorns. Flowers usually pink (occasionally white). 45 to 50 mm in clusters of 2 to 5 on hairless stalks, styles not joined into column. Hip smooth orangey red without sepals when ripe.
June and July. |
Garlic, Rosy - Allium roseum
John F June 2020
This small wild garlic from the Mediterranean reaches about 50-75cm in height and is topped by an umbel of fragrant florets having six pink or lilac tepals. Bulbils may or may not be present.
May to June |
Hawthorn, Pink - Crataegus monogyna
John F June 2021
Shrub to 4 metres, with angled young twigs. Flowers white, in broad flat topped clusters 4.5 to 10.5 cm across, inner florets fertile 4 to 7 mm surrounded by a few large sterile flowers 15 to 20 mm. Berry is shiny red when ripe.
June and July. |
Hemp Agrimony - Eupatorium cannabinum
Sue H July 2014
Hemp-agrimony is a tall, perennial plant found in damp grassland, marshes, fens and wet woodlands, and along riverbanks. The frothy, pinkish flower clusters appear from July to September and are very attractive to all kinds of insects, including butterflies like the Small Tortoiseshell and Red Admiral. Its common name comes from the resemblance of its leaves to Hemp, although it is not related to it. Hemp-agrimony is a bushy plant with trifoliate leaves (with long, toothed leaflets) that appear in opposite pairs along its reddish stems. These stems end in domed clusters of tiny, tubular, pink flowers.
July to September. |
Herb Robert - Geranium robertianum
John F May 2014
Short to medium hairy plant often flushed with red and with a strong smell. Flowers bright pink with petals 8 - 14mm; the petals scarcely notched. Fruit usually hairy and ridged. White flowered forms sometimes occur.
May to September. |
Honesty - Lunaria annua
Sue H April 2015
Medium to tall plant, forming a single lax rosette of leaves in the first season. Flowers purplish or mauve 25 to 30 mm in branched racemes. Fruit sub rounded 30 to 55 mm.
April to June. |
Knapweed, Common - Centaurea nigra
Sue H July 2014
Medium to tall hairy plant with erect stems, branched or unbranched. Thickened below the flowerhead. Flowerheads purple, 20 to 40 mm, solitary or in branched clusters, the florets all equal in length. Flower bracts with a broad, blackish triangular fringed appendage, concealing the adjacent bracts.
June to September. |
Madder, Field - Sherardia arvensis
Sue H October 2014
This plant has small pink to lilac flowers with four petals. The leaves vary from hairless to being covered in thick bristles and are in whorls of between 4 and 6.
May to August |
Mallow, Musk - Malva moschata
John F July 2021>
An elegant relative of common mallow, musk mallow has delicate pale pink flowers that appear in July and August. It grows on roadside verges and field edges, and in hedgerows, pastures and churchyards. It favours dry places and is a popular cottage garden plant. The saucer-shaped flowers of musk mallow have a musky smell, hence the common name. They have five petals, which are pale pink with fine, dark pink veins. The stems and deeply lobed leaves are hairy.
July to August |
Orchid, Bee - Ophrys apifera
John F June 2022
Short to medium plant with oval to lanceolate plain green leaves. Flowers 2 to 11 in a slender lax spike, brownish purple to yellowish green, with pink or purple sepals; lip three lobed 10 to 13 mm with a yellowish pattern enclosing a reddish brown shield shaped zone, tip incurved.
June and July. |
Ragged Robin - Lychnis flos-cuculi
John F June 2014
Medium to tall, roughly hairy plant often branched. Basal leaves oblong to spoon shaped, stalked. Stem leaves linear lanceolate. Flowers pale to bright purplish pink (occasionally white) 30 to 40 mm, the petals cut into four narrow pointed segments.
May to August. |
Rush, Flowering - Butomus umbellatus
Joan H July 2021
Rather stout medium to tall hairless plant with short creeping rhizomes. Leaves basal, linear and rush like, triangular below, sheathing at the base and somewhat twisted. Flowers pale to bright pink, with darker pink veins, cup shaped 16 to 26 mm, borne in long stalked umbel overtopping the leaves. Sepals 3 slightly shorter than the petals. 9 red stamens.
July to August. |
Spearmint - Mentha spicata
Sue H July 2014
This incudes a number of species and hybrids in the Mentha spicata group, which are cultivated in gardens and often naturalised. They are very difficult to separate. Usually strongly and sweetly aromatic. Leaves lanceolate to narrowly ovate, sharply toothed, flowers pinkish, purplish or white 2 to 3.5 mm long in a long dense spike, sometimes branched.
July to October. |
Teasel, Wild - Dipsacus fullonum
Sue H July 2014
Tall plant to 2 metres, stems erect, prickly on the angles. Basal leaves in a large rosette, oblong-elliptical, untoothed, prickly, covered in pimples, and withering early in the second season. Stem leaves linear lanceolate, the pairs fused together round the stem at their bases to form a water catching cup, midrib spiny beneath. Flowers purple sometimes pinkish-purple, in large spiny oblong-cylindrical heads 3 to 8 cm long. Wild Teasel starts flowering in a band around the middle of the head, which then spreads upwards and downwards, with the middle petals falling out as the flowers progress up and down.
July to August. |
Thistle, Creeping - Cirsium arvense
John F July 2017
Medium to tall stoloniferous plant, stem usually branched, but not winged or spiny. Leaves lanceolate to oblong, pinnately lobed or unlobed, spiny, the upper leaves unstalked. Flowerheads pale purple or lilac, 15 to 25 mm, fragrant, solitary or from 2 to 5 together, stalked.
June to September. |
Willowherb, Broad-leaved - Epilobium montanum
John F June 2014
Short to medium plant with a rounded stem. Leaves all opposite, the upper alternate, oval, usually toothed, and very short stalked. Flowers purplish pink, 6 to 12 mm, in lax racemes, the petals notched. Stigma four lobed.
May to August. |
Willowherb, Great - Epilobium hirsutum
Sue H July 2014
Robust, softly hairy, tall plant tPurple Loosestrife - Lythrum salicaria Sue H July 2014 o 2 metres, forming extensive patches; stems erect. Leaves opposite sometimes whorled, oblong to lanceolate unstalked, and half clasping the stem, coarsely toothed. Flowers bright purplish pink, 15 to 25 mm in a leafy raceme, petals notched, stigma four lobed.
June to September. |
Willowherb, Hoary - Epilobium parviflorum
John F June 20212
Short to medium hairy plant, overwintering by leafy rosettes, stems erect, rather robust. Leaves mostly opposite or whorled, oblong to linear lanceolate, scarcely stalked, slightly toothed, not clasping the stem. Flowers pale purplish pink, small 7 to 12 mm, in a lax raceme, stigma four lobed.
July to September |
Alkanet, Green - Pentaglottis sempervirens
John F May 2017
A bristly plant usually of 30 to 60 cm in height. Stems branched, stem leaves unstalked. Flowers bright blue with a white scaly throat 8 to 10 mm in small long-stalked leafy cymes.
April to July. |
Basil, Wild - Clinopodium vulgare
John F July 2023
Alternative name is Cushion Calamint
Short to medium, softly hairy plant, slightly aromatic. Stems usually unbranched. Leaves oval, slightly toothed and short stalked. Flowers pinkish purple 12 to 22 mm long in dense rather distant whorls, the upper lip flat. Calyx purplish.
Late June to September. |
Bluebell, Native - Hyacinthoides non-scripta
John F April 2014
Height up to 30 cm. Flowers violet blue, occasionally pinkish or white, nodding tubular bells 14 to 20 mm long, borne in a one sided raceme drooping towards the tip. Leaves 3 to 6 linear-lanceolate. The anthers are creamy white in this species.
April to June. |
Bluebell, Spanish - Hyacinthoides hispanica
John F Common through spinney April 20143
Spanish bluebell 'invasion' The British bluebell is threatened by a Spanish invader and scientists are trying to solve the problem.
April to June |
Bugle - Ajuga reptans
Sue H May 2014
A hairy plant up to about 20 cm tall, with long rooting runners. Stems hairy on two opposing sides often rather woolly. Leaves oval slightly toothed and often flushed with bronze. Flowers violet blue 14 to 17 mm in leafy spikes, dense at first.
April to June. |
Burdock, Lesser - Arctium minus
Sue H July 2014
Medium to tall plant to 1.5 metres. Stems hairy, often reddish, with down-curved branches. Basal leaves large (to 50 cm) with hollow stalks. Flowers purple - flowerheads 15 to 18 mm (15 to 25 mm in fruit) the outside bracts green or purple tinged often cottony when young. A more or less racemose inflorescence (the outer flowers have short stalks or are stalkless). Hollow petiole to the basal leaves. It can have glabrous or hairy flowers.
July to September. |
Burdock, Greater - Arctium lappa
Sue H July 2014
A tall plant to 1.5 metres with large (to 50 cm) heart shaped basal leaves with solid stalks. Flowers globose purple 20 to 25 mm (35 to 42 mm in fruit). The flower heads are borne on long stalks up to 10cm and the spiny outside bracts are shiny golden green (never tinged purple).
July to September. |
Chicory – Cichorium intybus
Sue H 20140707
Medium to tall plant. Stiffly hairy or hairless with latex, stems erect, branched. The basal leaves pinnately lobed to deeply toothed and short stalked. Upper leaves lanceolate untoothed or slightly toothed, clasping the stem. Flowerheads clear bright blue 25 to 40 mm in leafy branched spikes, all florets rayed, the rays strap like with a toothed tip.
July to October |
Corncockle - Agrostemma githago
John F June 2017 (part of the wildflower project)
Medium to tall, greyish, hairy, erect plant. Leaves narrow, lanceolate, pointed. Flowers pinky purple, 30 to 50 mm, with long leaf like sepals much exceeding the 5 petals, borne on long, slender stalks. May to August. |
Cornflower - Centaurea cyanus
John F June 2017 (part of the wildflower project)
Medium to tall plant with erect stems. Flowers violet blue or dark blue, occasionally white. 15 to 30 mm solitary the outer florets spreading and much longer than the inner.
June to August. |
Crane's-bill, Meadow - Geranium pratense
John F June 2014
Medium to tall, tufted and hairy plant with erect stems and deeply divided leaves. Flowers bright violet blue, 25 to 30 mm petals rounded, fruits hairy.
June to September |
Crocus - Crocus vernus
John F 20140304
The Dutch crocuses are larger than the other cultivated crocus species (e.g., Crocus chrysanthus). Depending on the year. Height: 4–6" (10–15 cm).
March to April |
Cyclamen, Sowbread - Cyclamen hederifolium
Sue H August 2014
Cyclamen hederifolium has pink flowers with a purple-magenta V-shaped blotch at the base of each petal. There is also a white flowered form which is now common in cultivation, but scarce in the wild. The flowers appear either before, or with, the young leaves which are often ivy-like as suggested by the specific epithet. However, the plant is very variable and the leaves can be every shape from almost orbicular to lanceolate. Leaves vary from dull or bright plain green to plain silver with various forms of hastate pattern in between, with the pattern in silver, grey, cream or merely a different colour green. The tuber roots from its top surface and sides.
August to October. |
Dog-violet, Early - Viola reichenbachiana
John F Apr 2021
Glabrous or sligthly hairy, low growing plant with a slight basal leaf rosette, and lateral leafy flowering stems. Leaves heart shaped, as long as wide. Flowers violet, generally darker in the centre 12 to 18 mm; not fragrant, with a slender straight dark violet-blue spur, not furrowed or notched.
March to June. |
Forget-me-not, Early - Myosotis ramosissima
John F May 2017
Slender, low to short softly hairy plant, often only 2 to 5 cm tall. Basal leaves in a rosette, lanceolate, stem leaves oblong, unstalked. Flowers bright blue, 2 to 3 mm the petals scarcely exceeding the calyx. Calyx hairs sticking out and either hooked or curved; pedicels (flower-stalks) shorter than fruiting calyx; corolla blue at first with tube shorter than calyx.
April to June. |
Forget-me-not - Myosotis arvensis
John F April 2014
Low to short plant, softly hairy. Branched at the base. Basal leaves in lax rosette. Flowers bright grey-blue saucer shaped. 3 to 5 mm calyx closed in fruit the tube with numerous hooked hairs.
April to October. |
Fritillary, Snakes Head - Fritillaria meleagris
John F planted by volunteers Mar 2013
It is a medium plant (20 to 40cm), with nodding, chequered, bell shaped purple flowers.
April and May. |
Grape-hyacinth - Muscari armeniacum
John F April 2020
Although there is a Wild Grape-hyacinth (Muscari neglectum) the vast majority of plants occurring in the wild are from cultivated stock (Muscari armeniacum). This is one of many cultivated plants that escapes into the wild and persists, at least for a time. These cultivated plants may have many different varieties or cultivars making identification very difficult, so our images of garden escapes can only be said to be representative of the species.
March to May. |
Horehound, Black - Ballota nigra
Sue H July 2014
Medium to tall, often straggling, very aromatic plant. Flowers lilac 12 to 14 mm in dense whorls along the leafy stem. Calyx funnel shaped with triangular, finely-pointed 4 to 6.5 mm long teeth.
June to September. |
Iris, Stinking - Iris foetidissima
Sue H June 2015
It is one of two iris species native to Britain, the other being the Yellow Iris. Its flowers are usually of a dull, leaden-blue colour, or dull buff-yellow tinged with blue; the capsules, which remain attached to the plant throughout the winter, are 5 to 8 cm long; and the seeds scarlet. It is known as "stinking" because some people find the smell of its leaves unpleasant when crushed or bruised, an odour that has been described as beefy.
May to July. |
Ivy, Ground - Glechoma hederacea
John F April 2021
Low to short patch forming plant, aromatic, creeping and rooting at the nodes. Flowering stems ascending to erect. Leaves kidney shaped to almost heart shaped, coarsely toothed and long stalked. Flowers pale violet blue with purple spots on the lower lip, occasionally pink found at base of leaves.
March to May. |
Knapweed, Common - Centaurea nigra
Sue H July 2014
Medium to tall hairy plant with erect stems, branched or unbranched. Thickened below the flowerhead. Flowerheads purple, 20 to 40 mm, solitary or in branched clusters, the florets all equal in length. Flower bracts with a broad, blackish triangular fringed appendage, concealing the adjacent bracts.
June to September. |
Loosestrife, Purple - Lythrum salicaria
Sue H July 2014
Stout, tall, grey hairy, tufted plant to 1.5 metres. Stems with 4, sometimes more, raised lines. Leaves opposite in whorls of three, the upper sometimes alternate. Flowers reddish purple, 10 to 15 mm in whorls forming long spikes, usually with 6 petals and 12 stamens.
June to August. |
Mallow, Common - Malva sylvestris
Sue H June 2014
Medium to tall, hairy plant to 1.5 metres, but often with sprawling stems. Leaves kidney shaped to rounded-heart-shaped in outline with 3 to 7 shallow, rather rounded toothed lobes. Flowers pink to purple with darker veins. 20 to 50 mm in clusters of 2 or more at the leaf axils.
June to September. |
Nightshade, Bittersweet - Solanum dulcamara
Sue H June 2014
Scrambling plant with stems sometimes reaching 2 metres. Leaves arrow shaped or heart shaped. Flowers purple with pale yellow anthers (very rarely white), 10 to 15 mm nodding with reflexed petals. Berry egg shaped, shiny and red when ripe.
June to September. |
Periwinkle - Vinca minor
Sue H 20140326
A creeping plant that is a garden escape. The leaves are evergreen, opposite and simple, without hairy margins. The flowers are solitary coming from the axils of the leaves. The corolla has 5 spreading lobes. These lobes are asymmetrical, giving the appearance of fan blades. The flower colour is purple-blue or occasionally white.
March to May. |
Self Heal - Prunella vulgaris
Sue H July 2014
Low to short, patch forming, usually hairy plant, flowering stems ascending to erect. Flowers usually deep violet blue, 13 to 15 mm long, the flowerheads immediately subtended by a pair of leaves. Calyx with fine pointed teeth.
June to November. |
Squill, Siberian - Scilla siberica
Sue H March 2014
Grows to 20cm in height, with narrow strap-shaped leaves and purplish stems bearing short racemes with 2 to 5 nodding, bowl-shaped bright blue flowers approximately 1.5 cm across.
March. |
Skullcap, Hooded - Scutellaria lateriflora
Sue H July 2014
Short to medium, usually hairy and shortly creeping plant. Stems erect. Leaves oval to lanceolate, slightly toothed, in pairs. Flowers bright blue, usually in pairs, with a whitish base 10 to 18 mm long, the corolla tube abruptly upcurved.
June to September. |
Speedwell, Common Field - Veronica persca
CoolPix L320 April 2014
Low to short, generally sprawling, hairy plant. Stems branched. Leaves short stalked, oval-triangular and coarsely toothed, alternate except for the lowermost. Flowers bright blue, 8 to 12 mm the lowermost petal often white. Solitary on slender stalks at the base of the upper leaves. Capsule 2 lobed, borne on recurved stalk, with the lobes diverging. Flowers solitary in leaf-axils (i.e not in spikes or racemes) and usually with brighter blue flowers than V agrestis. Key difference is the capsules, which have apices diverging at right angles or thereabouts.
All Year. |
Speedwell, Germander - Veronica chamaedrys
John F June 2021
Low to short, spreading often sprawling, hairy plant. Stems with two opposite lines of hairs. Leaves oval to oblong lanceolate, toothed, unstalked (or very short stalked) and in pairs. Flowers bright darkish blue with a white centre, 9 to 10 mm borne in opposite, stalked racemes at the base of the upper leaves. Capsule heart shaped with a hairy margin.
March to July. |
Speedwell, Ivy-leaf - Veronica hederifolia
Sue H May 2014
A low sprawling hairy plant, stems branched at the base. Leaves kidney shaped with 3 to 7 lobes, the end lobe being the largest, 3 veined, all but the lowermost alternate. Flowers pale lilac or pale blue, 4 to 9 mm solitary. Capsule rounded and slightly notched. There are two common sub species of Ivy-leaved Speedwell, they are the blue flowered form - Veronica hederifolia sub species hederifolia which has pale blue flowers with blue anthers and a lilac flowered form - Veronica hederifolia sub species lucorum which has whitish to pale lilac flowers with whitish or pale blue anthers.
March to August. |
Speedwell, Thyme-leaved - Veronica serpyllifolia
Sue H April 2014
Low creeping almost hairless plant with oval, usually untoothed or slightly toothed leaves. Flowers pale blue or whitish with darker, purplish blue veins. 6 to 8 mm borne in leafy terminal spikes. March to October. |
Squill, Siberian - Scilla siberica
Sue H March 2014
Grows to 20cm in height, with narrow strap-shaped leaves and purplish stems bearing short racemes with 2 to 5 nodding, bowl-shaped bright blue flowers approximately 1.5 cm across.
March. |
Teasel - Dipsacus fullonum
Sue H 20140712
Tall plant to 2 metres, stems erect, prickly on the angles. Basal leaves in a large rosette, oblong-elliptical, untoothed, prickly, covered in pimples, and withering early in the second season. Stem leaves linear lanceolate, the pairs fused together round the stem at their bases to form a water catching cup, midrib spiny beneath. Flowers purple sometimes pinkish-purple, in large spiny oblong-cylindrical heads 3 to 8 cm long. Wild Teasel starts flowering in a band around the middle of the head, which then spreads upwards and downwards, with the middle petals falling out as the flowers progress up and down.
July and August. |
Thistle, Globe - Echinops agg sphaerocephalus
Sue H July 2014
This is a glandular, woolly herbaceous plant which reaches on average 50 to 100 centimetres in height, up to a maximum of two metres. Each 'globe' is made up of many individual flowerheads, each of which is a single flower surrounded by 3 rows of bracts Flowers
June to August. |
Thistle, Spear - Cirsium vulgare
John F July 2017
Tall plant to 1.5 metres, stem with sharp spiny wings to the top. Leaves lanceolate, pinnately lobed, sharply spiny margined, dull green and prickly-hairy on the upper surface. Flowerheads purple, 20 to 40 mm in a panicle or flat topped cluster. Flower bracts straight, with a yellow spine.
July to October. |
Thistle, Welted - Carduus crispus
John F July 2017
Tall hairy plant to 2 metres, stems branched and spiny winged, except just below the flowerheads. Leaves oblong to lanceolate, pinnately lobed, weak spined. Flowerheads reddish purple, 10 to 25 mm erect, solitary or in small clusters. Flower bracts slightly spreading or erect with a weak spine tip. As with all Carduus, the pappus-hairs (the silky white hairs attached to the seed - the thistledown) are not feathery or branched, but simple. The stems have spiny wings, continuous all the way to just below the flower-head. C tenuiflorus has a narrow, almost cylindrical flowerhead; C crispus is rounded.
June to August. |
Toadflax, Purple - Linaria purpurea
Sue H June 2014
Medium height, tufted, hairless plant, stems erect to ascending, often branched above. Leaves linear, numerous, the lower whorled. Flowers purple or purplish violet 9 to 12 mm, in long, rather dense tapered racemes, the spur 5 mm long and curved.
June to August. |
Vetch, Common- Vicia sativa
John F June 2022
Medium to tall clambering, hairy plant. Tendrils are sometimes unbranched. Stipules toothed, with a dark spot near the base. Flowers pink to dark reddish purple, with paler wings 18 to 30 mm long, solitary or two together.
April to September. |
Vetch, Tuftedh - Vicia cracca
Sue H July 2014
Clambering plant to 2 metres though often less. Leaflets 6 to 15 linear to oblong. Flowers bluish violet, 10 to 12 mm in a one sided, long stalked raceme.
June to August, sometimes later. |
Violet, Common Dog - Viola riviniana
John F Apr 2021
A compact and loosely tufted hairy grass like plant, with a short rootstock and shortly creeping runners. Leaves 2 to 4 mm wide, bright green grass like, thinly hairy with a small knob at each leaf tip. Stems rarely over 15 cm tall usually much less, erect, ending in a loose panicle of 1 stalkless and 3 to 6 stalked, globose to ovoid heads, each with 3 to 12 florets, the stalks of the heads curved in flower.
March to June. |
Early Dog Violet - Viola reichenbachiana
John F Apr 2021
Glabrous or sligthly hairy, low growing plant with a slight basal leaf rosette, and lateral leafy flowering stems. Leaves heart shaped, as long as wide. Flowers violet, generally darker in the centre 12 to 18 mm; not fragrant, with a slender straight dark violet-blue spur, not furrowed or notched.
March to June. |
Willowherb, Great Hairy - Epilobium hirsutum
Sue H July 2014
Robust, softly hairy, tall plant tPurple Loosestrife - Lythrum salicaria Sue H July 2014 o 2 metres, forming extensive patches; stems erect. Leaves opposite sometimes whorled, oblong to lanceolate unstalked, and half clasping the stem, coarsely toothed. Flowers bright purplish pink, 15 to 25 mm in a leafy raceme, petals notched, stigma four lobed.
June to September. |
Rose Bay Willowherb - Chamerion angustifolium
John F June 2017
Robust, almost hairless, patch forming plant to 2.5 metres. Leaves alternate, lanceolate, slightly toothed with a vein running along close to the margin. Flowers violet or rose purple, 20 to 30 mm in long, tapering racemes, petals slightly notched.
June to September. |
Bur-reed, Branched - Sparganium erectum
Sue H July 2014
Medium to tall robust erect plant to 1.5 metres. Leaves usually erect, occasionally floating. Inflorescence branched, but individual flower clusters unstalked. The male clusters above and the female clusters on lateral branches.
July and August. |
Cuckoo-Pint or Lords & Ladies - Arum maculatum
John F April 2014
Short plant with a horizontal tuber; often patch forming, leaves appearing in the Spring, blunt arrow shaped, and shiny bright green, often with small black blotches. Spathes flushed, spotted and streaked with purple, rarely entirely yellowish-white. Fruiting spike relatively small, 3 to 4 cm, berries bright orange-red.
April and May. |
Dock, Curled - Rumex crispus
John F June 2017
Medium to tall plant. Leaves narrow-lanceolate with very wavy margins, short stalked. Flowerheads dense, in branched spikes, branches rather upright. Fruit valves heart shaped, 1 -3 swollen tubercles.
June to October. |
Dock, Water - Rumex hydrolapathum
Sue H 20140417
Stout tall much branched plant to 2 metres. Leaves large, rigid broad lanceolate tapered at both ends, lateral veins at right angles to the midrib. Inflorescence dense, flowers in much branched panicles.
July to September. |
Figwort - Scrophularia nodosa
Sue H July 2014
It is aherbaceous perennial with green, sometimes bronzy, leaves and bronze stems. Tiny, hooded, brown and green flowers are produced in whorls on stout, square stems in summer and early autumn, followed by light brown seed capsules
June to September. |
Helebore, Stinking - Helleborus foetidus
Sue H Mar 2014
Medium to tall often rather robust plant. Foetid, with leafy overwintering stems. Leaves palmate, deep green, lobes simple, toothed. Uppermost leaves and bracts unlobed. Flowers nodding, yellowish green with a purple rim, bell shaped, 10 to 30 mm in large clusters.
January to May. |
Horsetail, Water - Equisetum fluviatile
John F June 2021
Erect stems to 150 cm high and 2 to 10 mm thick, either unbranched or with whorls of simple branches. Stems have 10 to 30 very fine shallow grooves and a large central cavity, three quarters of the diameter of the stem or more. Stems have numerous tight, green often orange tinged sheaths that bear short, dark, triangular pale edged teeth. Terminal cones are 1 to 1.5 cm long.
June and July. |
Nettle, Stimging - CUrtica dioica
John F June 2021
Medium to tall vigorous often patch forming plant, with stout stolons and square stems. Leaves opposite, heart shaped to lanceolate, toothed and armed with stinging hairs. Terminal leaf-tooth longer than the lateral ones. Male and female flowers, greenish on separate plants. Male in long drooping catkin like spikes, female in small clusters.
June to September. |
Plantain, Greater - Plantago major
Sue H July 2014
Low to short plant with a solitary, or several leaf rosettes. Leaves oval to elliptical, irregularly toothed or untoothed 5 to 9 veined, thick and dark green. Flowers greenish yellow, 3 mm in more or less equalling the unridged stalks. Anthers pale purplish turning yellowish brown.
June to October. |
Pendulous Sedge - Carex pendula
John F June 2014
A large plant with very short rhizomes. Its leaves and shoots form large tufts or tussocks up to 70 cm across and stems reach 60 to 180 cm in height. Inflorescence has 1 or 2 male spikelets up to 10 cm long at the tip, and 4 or 5 female spikelets spread out lower down (up to 16 cm long). They are cylindrical and pendulous like catkins.
June and July. |
Spurge, Petty - Euphorbia amygdaloides
Sue H March 2014
Plant up to 20 cm with an erect stem, the base of which is red/green, smooth and hairless, and exudes a white sticky sap when broken. The stem divides into branches and each branch divides 3-5 times. The stem leaves grow alternately however the leaves on the upper branches are opposite. The flower is green and is very small and surrounded by bracts (modified leaves). The flowers are very difficult to see as they look, at a glance, like new leaves forming at the end of each stem. Glabrous, ovate leaves; glands on the cyathium (the cup shaped structure that bears the male and female flowers) are concave on the outer edge, with two points
April to October. |
Spurge, Sun - Euphorbia helioscopia
Sue H March 2014
Short to medium, more or less hairless plant. Stem usually solitary, erect. Leaves oval, broadest above the middle, blunt, finely toothed in the upper half. Umbel with 5 main rays and yellowish bracts, similar in shape to the leaves. Leaves glabrous and obovate (widest towards the end not the stalk). The cyathium (the cup-shaped structure that carries the male and female flowers) is rounded on the outer edge (not concave and with two points, as in E peplus). The ovary and capsule are glabrous.
May to August. |
Spurge, Wood - Euphorbia amygdaloides
Sue H March 2014
Medium to tall rhizomatous plant, often forming large patches. It is evergreen, and often red tinged, with erect, usually unbranched stems. Leaves oblong, often broadest above the middle, untoothed, dark green and crowded towards the stem tops. Umbel with 5 to 10 main rays and oval or rounded bracts fused together to encircle the stem, yellowish green, glands kidney shaped with converging horns.
March to May. |
Woodrush, Field - Luzula campestris
Sue H March 2014
Field wood-rush is a common plant of grassy areas, such as lawns, greens and downlands; it is particularly keen on acidic soils, but can be found on chalk. Its dark brown, rounded flowers appear from April to May and have earned it another common name of 'Good Friday Grass'.
March to May. A short, tuft-forming rush, Field wood-rush has grass-like leaves that are fringed with long, white hairs. Its brown flowers form rounded clusters on top of greenish stems. March to June |